Analytical instrumentation plays a major role in most of our studies, and we rely on the following high-end instrumentation:

- UPLC* + Waters Vion IMS QTof (with fluorescence detector)
- 3 × UPLC* + Waters TQ Absolute triple-quad MS
- UPLC* + Waters Xevo TQ-XS triple-quad MS
- 2 × UPLC* + Waters Xevo TQ-S triple-quad MS
- UPLC* + Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantis triple-quad MS
- UPLC* + Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura triple-quad MS
- 4 × UPLC* + Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Orbitrap MS/OE120 Orbitrap MS (with PDA detector)
- On-line LC-radioactivity detector (Berthold)
- 2 × Liquid handling robot (Beckman Coulter)
- 2 × qPCR (Life Technologies)
- Microplate reader (BioTek)
- Beta microplate reader (Hidex Sense)
- Liquid scintillation counter (Hidex 300SL)
- Automated fluorescence microscope ImageXpress Nano (Molecular Devices)
*Waters Acquity or Thermo Vanquish Horizon
Contact us for more information.