An upcoming webinar via Symeres – In vivo pharmacokinetic experiments in preclinical drug development

Posted on May 6, 2021

Are you planning to initiate PK studies or just willing to learn more about the topic?

Admescope’s Head of In vivo PK, Dr Janne Mannila, will give a webinar where he will elucidate the concept of preclinical PK studies, which are the most important points to consider and what data to expect. The webinar will be live on May 27th at 10 am CEST and 9 pm CEST.
For more information and registration please visit Symeres website.

Admescope team present on a Drug development course in May

Dr Johanna Haglund, Admescope’s Head of Safety Metabolism, will give a presentation about ADME and drug metabolism on May 18th. The lecture is part of a 3-day Drug Development course organised by Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. For more information, please see the organiser’s website.

Missed the webinar “In vitro drug-drug interaction studies: What, when and why? “

No worries, an on-demand recording is available for you to check the webinar, where Dr Aki Heikkinen’s covered e.g., the mechanisms causing metabolism- and transporter-based interactions and typical in vitro methods to address the DDI risks at the end of April.
You can access the on-demand webinar In vitro drug-drug interaction studies: What, when and why?

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